Moving from Kenya to study at RGU in Aberdeen

Esther shares her journey from Kenya to RGU, obtaining a scholarship, and her experience settling in Aberdeen after enrolling on the MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Choosing RGU

My journey to the UK started in late 2022 when I wanted to upgrade my education. My business was experiencing post-Covid losses and I saw the need to get the right knowledge and skills to get me through it.

I applied to universities in England and got a few offers. I chose one and paid the deposit to get my CAS with the university. Unfortunately, the embassy took time to respond so my CAS was withdrawn and my visa denied in October 2023.

I was heartbroken to lose my visa fee and my chance to study abroad. However, I don’t give up easily, so I decided to give it another chance. I was going through RGU’s website when I stumbled upon some of their accolades. This gave way to researching more about RGU and deciding to give it a shot.

Finally, I was accepted for MSc Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The course modules were a perfect match for my needs career and business-wise.

The Dean Scholarship

Through out my application journey, I learned about different scholarships that were available to me. Some of those included Chevening and Commonwealth, which are available for most UK universities. I had previously applied but I wasn’t successful.

I decided to try scholarships that were available at RGU specifically. The main requirement for the Dean scholarship was writing a couple of essays. I decided to tell my story as raw and unedited as it was, and was fortunate to be among the two awardees of the scholarship!

Relocating to Aberdeen

The internet makes the world a global village and social media is a very powerful tool for information. I mostly used Facebook to connect with other Kenyans who were living in Aberdeen.

I wasn’t lucky enough to get a long term accommodation prior to my relocation but I  booked a hotel near the train station for a few days before I could secure one. Little did I know that  temporary and long term accommodation information was available  for students, which would make the process less stressful. Through the various Kenyans I interacted with, I was able to gain knowledge about the various accommodation options like RGU student accommodation and private sites like Spareroom, Gumtree, and On the market property among others. Another concern was getting African food stores, but I was shocked to learn that I would easily find them.

Experiences and challenges as an international student

As an international student, leaving your home country and packing your whole life in about two suitcases to study has its fair share of challenges. Some of the few challenges I initially encountered were coping with winter, understanding the Scottish accent, embracing different cultures and different languages from different international students.

My experience so far one year down the line has been amazing. I have experienced the beauty of the Aberdeen countryside and the beaches most of the weekends. I have made friends from different countries as well as learned a couple of greetings in different languages.

My advice to prospective students

The application process is not complicated, and you need not do it alone. There are educational agencies in different countries which are approved by RGU to assist you with the process. The visa process is what most students fear the most, but once you have all your documents in check you are good to go. RGU’s website offers more than enough information on the whole process.

Relocating may seem like a nightmare but coping will come with time. You need an open mind and be willing to learn and appreciate diversity. Aberdeen is a cold place, but its not always cold throughout the year. It has amazing scenery, and with your weekly bus ticket you can use the chance to visit different places over the weekends.

Esther Karanja

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The post Moving from Kenya to study at RGU in Aberdeen appeared first on RGU Student Blog.

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